Drainage Problem Areas in Jamestown
Drainage and Stormwater Management Master Plan
In late 2016, the Town commenced a Drainage and Stormwater Management Master Plan. The plan was a recommendation of the Hazard Investigation and Risk Assessment Study and will be a more detailed evaluation of local drainages, recommendations on addressing issues, and conceptual design of priority solutions. Complete: Summer 2017.
- Funding: $100,000 Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery Round 3
- Drainage study to find solutions to drainage issues
- Identification of stormwater management opportunities
- 30% design for priority solutions
The Town would like to gratefully acknowledge the support of the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) in this project.
Drainage and Stormwater Management Master Plan Updates
Updated July 28, 2017)
- July 2017
- Draft plan (see above), draft plan comments; final master plan
- Adoption targeted for August 7 BOT meeting
(Updated June 1, 2017)
- 2017-05-31 Jamestown Community Meeting Presentation
- 2017-03-27 Jamestown Community Meeting Presentation
- Drainage Issue Descriptions
- LIDAR_difference plot
- Problem Areas 1
- Problem Areas 2
- Problem Areas 3
(Updated on February 8, 2017)
Below are a table and two maps of the identified stormwater and drainage problem areas in Jamestown. Many of these sites were reported by Jamestown residents at the December Open House: