Photo credit: Sal DeVincenzo
Contact 911 for emergencies related to increased creek flows.
Twenty-four acres of the James Creek Stream Corridor were severely impacted as a result of the 2013 Flood. In the few months following the event, the Town established the Provisional Floodplain Map, allowing the Town to lift its building permit moratorium on January 21, 2014. As a result of this, designs were developed for the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) program. Construction of the EWP program was completed in October 2014, which realigned and armored the James and Little James Creek stream corridor. Work is in progress to address portions of the corridor which need further work, including two reaches within Jamestown.
Below is a list of current Jamestown stream corridor projects & links:
- James & Little James Creeks Design & Construction
- Irrigation Ditch Headgate Reconstruction
- Rain Gauge Project
- Useful stream corridor links
James & Little James Creeks Design & Construction:
(Updated as of March 14, 2017)
Boulder County and the Lefthand Watershed Oversight Group, in collaboration with the James Creek Watershed Initiative and the Town of Jamestown, have developed stream restoration designs for James and Little James creeks. Funding for the designs was provided by a Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR) planning grant through the Colorado Watershed Resilience Planning Grant Program to complete the stream restoration 30% design.
- Construction is expected to begin in mid-May 2017.
- More information here.
Irrigation Ditch Headgate Reconstruction:
(Updated May 1, 2017)
RG & Associates are working on the engineering and design work to reconstruct the head gate and first section of the irrigation ditch that was destroyed by the flood. Funding for this project is through FEMA Public Assistance funds with a state and local match (CDBG-DR funds). Please contact Allan Mueller, Town Ditch Rider, with questions.
- Delivering the Cultural Resources Survey to DHSEM by May 2, 2017
- Schedule:
- FEMA plans to turn around their review and approval within two weeks
- RG and Associates will start the final engineering as soon as FEMA approval is granted
- Schedule to be revised as soon as FEMA grants approval, but based on previous schedule, anticipate design complete, permits in place and ready to bid by September
Rain Gauge Project
Please visit the FEMA HMGP Projects page for updates.
- Link to the Lower Main Street stream gauge
- Spring Runoff High Hazard Projects video
- Post Flood Preparedness video
- Boulder County creek planning info beyond Jamestown’s borders