The 2013 Floods destroyed 50% of Jamestown’s roads. Lefthand Canyon Dr. and James Canyon Dr. were also severely damaged. Since the flood, we have been working diligently to reestablish the roads in Town. Below is a list of current Jamestown road projects.
James Canyon Drive Reconstruction (CR 94):
Shortly after flood waters receded, Boulder County got to work and built an emergency access road into town to help get people some much needed relief and supplies. Soon after the emergency road was built, the county returned and created a temporary “winter road” that allowed for access beyond high-clearance 4WD vehicles. This road remained in place until the summer of 2014 when a temporary asphalt surface was applied to the gravel sections of the roadway. The asphalt surface was applied so that area residents and service providers had a safe road to drive on while they completed their own flood recovery-related repairs and so that Boulder County and their engineering team could work on a permanent design for a roadway that would be safer for all travelers and one that would be resilient towards future flood events. The design team is confident the project can be completed without having to fully close the road. There will likely be single lane closure in effect 24 hours a day and traffic control personnel and traffic signals will be used to move travelers safely around the construction zone. (Description from Boulder County)
- All updates can be found: www.jamescanyon.com
- Creek work will begin mid/late-May
- Boulder County road portion: Kelly Trucking and Boulder County will begin on May 15, 2017
- Pre-con meeting with Boulder County and Kelly Trucking on May 4
- Expected to be complete by December 2018
- Jamestown Portion: Kelly Trucking and Boulder County will begin as soon as we receive approval from FEMA on the Town’s scope change request
- Expect to have the revised PW and FEMA determination letter by the end of May
- Obligation by mid-June
- Expect there are areas of rockery, excavation and embankment that will not be approved.
- Best guess on the $$ amount of rockery, excavation and embankment that will not be approved is ~$300,000
- Options to further explore with the State are:
- Appeal and proceed
- Appeal and wait – 320 days about. Least desirable option.
- Only construct areas that are funded and don’t the construct the areas that are not funded. (Need to look at the ramifications of this on travel way and the long-term road durability.)
- Find another source of funding, such as Disaster Emergency Fund grant.
- Options to further explore with the State are:
- BoCo Construction will run from May 15, 2017 – December 31, 2018. One lane is to remain open at all times, with 15 minute cumulative delays expected. Access to the Merc is open. More information here.
- Jamestown section won’t start until we get approval from FEMA.
James Canyon (CDBG-DR Portion)
CDBG-DR – LOMR approved February 23
- Project on hold while PW1123 Scope Change Request was being reviewed
- Working with AECOM and CDBG-DR to evaluate the three pavement sections that will not be covered by FEMA and move them into the CDBG-DR project if they are outside the floodway. Initial review looks like all areas can be funded.
- Gateway markers (Design winner: Craig Brown) – In Progress – hoping to have the Community build them.
- Please visit the FEMA HMGP Projects page for updates.
Gillespie Gulch Culvert:
Updated January 9, 2018
- Contract awarded to Edge Construction in Dec. 2017.
- Mobilization to begin the week of January 7th, 2018.
- Construction to begin January 14th, 2018.
- Work hours are between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
- Completion anticipated May 2018.
- NO road closures expected. However, minor delays may occur during work hours.
- Traffic is encouraged to use alternative routes as much as possible during work hours.
- Please observe road closure and detour signage. NOTE: Local traffic and over sized vehicles are exempt.
- A staging area will be set up in the north side of the Elysian Park parking lot. Parking will be restricted to the south side with the parking lot periodically closed to allow for trucks and equipment to turn around.