When are Town Board of Trustees (BOT) Meetings? Meetings are generally on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. If you have an item, concern or issue, please put it in writing to be placed on the Agenda. All agenda items are due to the Town Clerk the Wednesday prior to the meeting. Please check the Calendar for upcoming dates.
Your Town Board looks forward to hearing from you. The Board members welcome input from non-Board members. The more minds that explore Town business, the more creative solutions and new directions will follow. All community members are invited to the Town Board Meetings.
Do you have questions or concerns about Town issues? You are invited to present them to the Town Board during the Open Forum portion of Town Board Meetings. Positioned early in the meeting, the Open Forum is where people are encouraged to bring up suggestions, concerns and questions so that the Board members can listen, provide answers, and consider new directions. The Board welcomes ideas about pending issues, as well as things that members might otherwise not know about, including thoughts about things that we do know about but maybe lack an awareness of how important (or unimportant) they are to the community.
Persons with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations by contacting the Town Clerk at 303-449-1806.