Jamestown FireWise Community Meeting
Wildfire Safety Initiative Kickoff
WEDNESDAY, JULY 24th, 7:00 p.m.
Jamestown Town Hall (118 Main Street)
7:00-7:05 : Allan Mueller –Welcome & Intro to FireWiseProgram
7:05-7:10: Matt Kohlhaas, Jamestown Volunteer Fire Department –
JVFD Statement of Support
7:10-7:20: Scott Golden, Boulder County Open Space–
Jamestown Wildfire Risk, Real & Perceived
7:20-7:40: Videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL_syp1ZScMProperty Inspection
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvbNOPSYyssEmber Generator
7:40-7:50: Scott Golden –
Summary of Video, Efforts that Matter
7:50-8:10: John Miller, Lefthand VFD Board-
FireWise Initiative at Lake of the Pines, History & Lessons Learned
8:10-8:30: James Webster, Boulder County Wildfire Partners Liaison-
Wildfire Risk in Boulder County
Is there a place for Wildfire Partners in Jamestown?
8:30: Wrap up, Questions & Answers and Adjourn.
When a forest fire comes to Jamestown the ember-storm will ignite many
buildings and those building infernos will ignite the landscape, trees, bushes,
and soil; we will lose homes and our fair landscape. If we do what we can to
mitigate our homes, both our homes and our landscape can survive the
ember-storm. The firefighters will then be able to fend off the crown fire.”
Please also see the attached flyer and help spread the word to our community!