Aging Well in Community Event

By | October 3, 2017
Join the Aging Well in Community for Coffee at the Merc!
Fridays from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
The Steering Committee has recognized the need to shift the
initiative’s focus and format. Some background:
At our first meeting in February 2016 we did a needs assessment,
and the group decided to meet regularly. In addition to socializing
and enjoying food provided by the Jamestown Community Church
members and others, we’ve accomplished a lot! . . .
* several very informative presentations from county resources
like the Boulder Area Agency on Aging and CareConnect
* a website, including contact info for county and local resources
* a point of contact and volunteers for snow removal
* a CareConnect signup event
* a CareConnect yard cleanup event
* a wine and cheese get together, and more
Not all of our efforts flourished, but we’ve learned a lot and
can continue some efforts and re-generate others as needed.
But now, instead of regular meetings, we suggest shifting
to a more informal format: “Coffee at the Merc” every Friday
morning from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. with coffee, tea, and a limited Merc menu.
We may sometimes have a guest speaker, and will continue
to send out emails about other happenings and resources.
We also encourage you to use the group email To list if you
have a volunteer request (rides or other assistance), and
to use resources like CareConnect.
We express our deep gratitude to Tom and Debbie Neal for
graciously providing their meeting room.
And we look forward to seeing you at “Coffee at the Merc”
beginning soon!
For a link to services offered by Boulder County, click here.
Mary, Nancy, Kathleen, and Sharon